Trattando temi complessi come quelli industriali ad alto contenuto tecnologico, è quasi impossibile conoscere ogni termine tecnico.
Facendo una ricerca rapida all’interno del nostro glossario troverete sicuramente una risposta ai termini che state cercando.
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With an advanced network of high-capacity satellites and built-in Integrated Satellite Solutions (ISS), Intellisystem Technologies delivers a secure, reliable high-speed connection that’s always on—so you can enjoy more of what you love to do online.
Our Integrated Satellite Solutions is your best choice in satellite Internet, with great speeds and download capacity to make your industrial & professional Internet experience fast.
We believe that it is always important that you should know few glossary therms about our Integrated Satellite Solutions before you purchase and deploy.
If you find any terms on our web site that you do not understand and can not find in this glossary, please email or call us so that we can add it.
An IR Illuminator allows a camera to see in total darkness, when there is insufficient light to see. This can be useful for security applications, especially covert needs, or maybe when keeping an eye on the night activities of the local wildlife.
Surprisingly, infrared technology has been around since the early 1800s, but it wasn’t popularized until the later 1900s due to its use in astronomy.
Cameras and infrared illuminators are a great duo for covert surveillance. However, it is always important that you should know few glossary therms about Infrared Illumitaros before you purchase and deploy.
If you find any terms on our web site that you do not understand and can not find in this glossary, please email or call us so that we can add it.
An understanding of the terminology used in connection with DRONEs – UAV – UAS systems will enable you to better discuss your requirements with installers. When first talking to a prospective installer, you may encounter these terms:
Here’s a quick and handy guide to help fly through the sometimes-murky skies of drone terminology.
This glossary contains a list of general terms and definitions related to surveillance systems, security cameras, and CCTV equipment. If you find any terms on our web site that you do not understand and can not find in this glossary, please email or call us so that we can add it.
An understanding of the terminology used in connection with CCTV systems will enable you to better discuss your requirements with installers. When first talking to a prospective installer, you may encounter these terms: