η photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium

η photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium

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We  present  recent  Graal  results  on  beam-polarization  asymmetries  in  the  photoproduction  of  η meson on protons and neutrons in Hydrogen and  Deuterium  for  the  incoming  photon energy range from threshold to 1.5 GeV. Data have been obtained using  the  tagged  and  linearly  polarized photon beam and the large solid angle apparata of the Graal facility, located  at the ESRF in Grenoble (France).The comparisons between the free and  bound (in  the  deuteron) proton and between bound proton and bound neutron are shown. In particular we measured for the first time the beam asymmetry Σ in the η photoproduction on the bound neutron. Data have been obtained from a deuteron target, selecting η events from both bound necleons in the quasi-free kinematics. In this kinematical condition the results obtained from free and quasi-free proton are almost identical within the experimental errors; hence we deduce that nuclear effects are negligible when measuring the beam-polarization asymmetries for η photoproduction on the quasi-free nucleon.

V. Bellini, A. Giusa, F. Mammoliti, C. Randieri, G. Russo, M. L. Sperduto, M. C. Sutera, G. Giardina, G. Mandaglio, M. Manganaro, O. Bartalini, A. D’Angelo, A. Fantini, L. Nicoletti, C. Schaerf, L. Casano, R. Di Salvo, D. Moricciani, M. Capogni, P. Levi Sandri, G. Gaulard, B. Girolami, F. Ghio, J. P. Bocquet, P. Calvat, A. Lleres, D. Rebreyend, F. Renard, T. Russew, J. P. Didelez, M. Guidal, E. Hourany, R. Kunne, A. Lapik, A. N. Mushkarenkov, V. Nedorezov, R. Rudnev, A. Turinge, M. Castoldi, G. Gervino, V. Kouznetsov (2008)

Nuclear Physics A, Vol. 805, pp. 84-86, ISSN: 0375-9474, doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.02.032.

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