The application of neural techniques to the modelling of time-series of atmospheric pollution data

The application of neural techniques to the modelling of time-series of atmospheric pollution data

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Predicting atmospheric pollutant concentrations in both urban and industrial areas is of great significance for decision-making. This paper considers the possibility of using neural techniques to identify models for atmospheric pollutant prediction. It gives the results of short- and medium-range prediction of concentrations of 03, NMHC, N02 and NOx, which are typical of the photolytic cycle of nitrogen. The results obtained show that neural techniques have a good capacity for modelling the phenomena under investigation as compared with the traditionally used autoregressive prediction models. The possibility of using neuro-fuzzy networks also allows the features of neural networks to be combined with fuzzy logic, thus providing automatic extraction of rule bases in the usual ‘if … then…’ form; this represents a transparent form of modelling which provides useful indications for analysis of the phenomena in question or integration with already acquired knowledge.

G. Nunnari, A.F.M. Nucifora, C. Randieri

Elsevier, Ecological Modelling – 1 September 1998, Vol. 111, Issues 2-3, pp. 187-205, doi: 10.1016/SO304-3800(98)00118-5

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