Omega Photoproduction at Graal

Omega Photoproduction at Graal

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A tagged and polarized Compton backscattered photon beam is produced at the GRAAL facility in the energy range from 0.5 GeV up to 1.5 GeV. We present new very preliminary results on beam polarization asymmetry Σ for the ω photoproduction on the proton. These results confirm the relevance of resonance contributions to polarization observables.

O. Bartalini, V. Bellini, J. P. Bocquet, M. Castoldi, A. D’Angelo, J. P. Didelez, R. Di Salvo, A. Fantini, G. Gervino, F. Ghio, B. Girolami, A. Giusa, M. Guidal, E. Hourany, V. Kouznetsov, R. Kunne, A. Lapik, P. Levi Sandri, A. Lleres, D. Moricciani, V. Nedorezov, L. Nicoletti, C. Randieri, D. Rebreyend, F. Renard, N. V. Rudnev, C. Schaerf, M. L. Sperduto, M. C. Sutera, A. Turinge, A. Zabrodin, A. Zucchiatti (2003)

GDH 2002, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and the Spin Structure of the Nucleon
Genova (Italy), 3-6 July 2002.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., June 2003, pp. 327-332, doi: 10.1142/9789812705167 0046

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