Mobile Devices News

Mobile Device News By Intellisystem Technologies

We’re one of the early innovators in the remote control hardware Technologies by Mobile Devices!

A large number of home automation IoT devices are geared toward the use of smartphones for the user interface. This makes sense if you assume that most users have smartphones and keep the phones with them even at domestic leisure. But if your target market prefers having a stand-alone remote instead, Intellisystem Technologies now has the latest technology for you to try.

In future, we believe consumers will be able to do more with their technology, they’ll be able to further personalise how they interact with technology and they’ll be able to secure a deeper understanding of the health of devices.

Intellisystem Technologies has an ambition to continue to solve real customer needs on a product by product basis – there isn’t any point in putting products on the market that don’t serve customers in this way.

We want to make sure customers have better control of what they do both at work and in the home for activate any facility when they really need it.

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(Italian) Smart GSM Monitor
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Intellisystem Technologies